
Where sarcasm and contradictions runs rampid. Why must everyone be so serious? This is life from my p.o.v. you're right, you don't have to love it. I'm just a girl... in pursuit of my version of freedom. Feel free to comment this online diary that follows the mind of the messenger,
never dictated by page 6.


"happy" disclaimer

I didn't think I would ever have to put up a disclaimer for my lil 'ole blog. I mean, I'm not trying to hurt anybody. I just write the best way I know how. My favorite cousin and I used to write letters to each other every week from the time we were in 7th grade, until we graduated and she told me that I write exactly how I talk. And in my mind, I take most things as a joke, especially when it comes to irrelevant topics such as pop culture, or the actions of others. I'm not that closed minded of a person that I judge unless I know for myself what it is I speak. I do however have blogs about real feelings. A few of those blogs can be found here. I say all of that to say this: I received my first anonymous comment and it happened to be slightly judgmental with a hint of negativity[gasp]. Which is so not what we do here! 

I guess I should have made myself clear, the whole concept of my blog is to not dwell on negativity. To add something to someone's day, instead of fill this e-space with complaining and ragging on trivial shit. The title of this blog is In Pursuit of Happiness Whatever That Means true indeed, but that doesn't include downing something else to make yourself feel better. I'm not here to judge, this is a space that I use just for me and I admit, I'm not always right, and I don't have a problem with learning something from my peers, but I don't respect faceless opinions. Period. This was a comment left from my recent Ciara post
 So to personally answer this anonymous fellow blogger [I'm sure] you're right, I haven't been following Ciara's videos, in fact, "I don't really watch videos on television anymore for the same reason I don't listen to the radio... it's the same shit every hour on the hour." That was me, by the way. And the only point that I was trying to make, was that a lot of 'respectable' people are participating  in activity that they would turn their nose up in in public. You see it all the time, people passing judgment of people they don't know. Especially women who choose to dance. But it's obviously a secret fantasy of many. As several other celebrities have shown as well. Dear reader, I think we just had a misunderstanding. That's why I took time out just for you to answer your comment. I hope this explains my position further. 

So with that being said:

This blog is not the closed minded or those who can't stomach sarcasm. this blog is intender for the light of heart and objective minds. Feel free to read the thoughts that run through my mind and leave the judgment at the door. Im a student of the world and love learning things from a different perspective. Almost all feedback is welcome. Except for the anonymous. 
I can't stand a coward.

no hard feelings. 

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