
Where sarcasm and contradictions runs rampid. Why must everyone be so serious? This is life from my p.o.v. you're right, you don't have to love it. I'm just a girl... in pursuit of my version of freedom. Feel free to comment this online diary that follows the mind of the messenger,
never dictated by page 6.


feed my dreams

Everybody needs somebody... sometimes. And if it's not a 'one' it's a 'thing'. Everyone needs some force to drive them to improvement. It cracks me up to read on Myspace that people are"self made". Really? So you were the one who made your skin thick? Or taught you who to trust? Let me guess, you were on the lucky ones who were born with what they call "swagger" by elementary. The fitted jeans and fitted long john shirt was something you just "threw on". And your vernacular has nothing to do with your peers. I mean, am I the only one who's ready to come clean about the makings of me? I use everything around me for motivation; good and bad. Some people think they don't need to learn anything from anyone, but everyone has something to offer. It's all on you to choose what to take. It's easier to look at negative things and see what you don't want for yourself or simply take lumps as lessons learned than most think. To come out on
 top, instead of accepted stumbling blocks as defeat.
Why does it seem like it takes so long for some lessons to stick? Today a valuable one sunk in deep, all the way past the white meat. I know I need a lot. One of the things I know I need is encouragement. Especially when it comes to something I'm serious about like my music or job frustrations. I learned during a conversation with a friend that my enthusiasm or open mindedness is not always appreciated. I don't consider myself an energizer bunny of good will and my switch isn't always on. I get tired. I don't answer the phone. But I pride myself on being receptive on people's needs. I know when someone deserves to be angry, and when they're just being a brat and want to be spoiled. I ask off the wall but relevant questions to inspire something. But I learned that some people just don't want to hear it and would rather stay on their own track of thinking. That's fine.
Let me tell you my preference: feed my dream. Don't kiss my ass but give me what I need. I want my ideas to have partners and neighbors to spark their intellect. And I will continue to nourish them by asking questions and google searching. Until they're full and fat and grow big and strong. Don't shoot me down. That will only piss me off and feed the dynamo you can't see. Because I'm using everything as a tool. I have nothing left to do but hurl the rock you staged as your heart back at you. Leaving you bruised and me, world's lighter.
The world is your oyster. Take what you can to benefit yourself as a person and get the hell on. No on has time to hear the problems that seem never ending. Most of us still have dreaming to do.

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