I was one of those children who wasn't allowed to listen to rap music until I hit a certain age. So now, it's like playing catch up with it all. My boyfriend is big on west coast music and has introduced me to Quick, NWA, and schooled me on the history and inspiration behind the sound. Being from D.C., most of it never really appealed to me, but when I was younger, Tupac was my guy! It wasn't his constant political lyrics, or his bald head that made me pay attention to him. He was the first nigga to make something as taboo as a nose ring look good!

I'm too smart to leave my justification on the fact that he sported a half carat on his nostril. If I say, "i like" anything, I have to have a reason why. Its the most idiotic thing to literally stand for something just because everyone else is. when people say they like/hate someone 'just cause', that's bullshit. There's definitely a reason... speak on it!
But anyway, turned out that he's a pretty interesting, well rounded, intelligent.. thug. Ha. I appreciate his intensity in his music and recording. If you have the chance to experience the whole recording process, you might not understand the necessity of all the 'extra'. The candles, smell goods, women, liquor, weed, it's all important. It's all about recreating the feeling. I can listen to 'Hellraiser' and see him shirtless with an unloaded AK getting all in the mic's face, taking out all his frustrations out on it. That song is so intense I can feel him. He has the power to bring you to whatever state he was trying to get you in. Mostly he makes me think and he provokes anger in me that inspires change. It just seems that the closer a person comes to understanding how the world really is, and emphasis the things that government or the 'powers that be' try to sweep under the rug.. your time gets cut short.
The best thing about music [to me] is that if the song is a good song, the artist can make you feel whatever they want you to feel. This guy does it for me. Just not on the one way streets of Atlanta during rush hour. A trip from Juniper to Fulton took entirely too long to make and Pac's thug passion only made my maneuver strategy even more frustrating.
check out one of my favorite tupac clips. you wonder why 'they' call you bitch? here's pac's take:
Not only did he sincerely not give a fuck about too much, he has the best work ethic! I don't know any other artist that has countless albums, a self written screenplay in development, a musical his mom is working on, a foundation that has a chapter here in Stone Mountain, and a few books in the making... 13 years after his passing. Guess this proves at least one thing: you can't snuff the messenger.
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