An out of the ordinary event occurred yesterday for every true atlien. We got snow that actually stuck! I don't mean the powdered sugared shit that hits the ground and then is gone, but the big, oatmeal flakes that fuck up your vision if they fly into your eye. Seeing snow wasn't personally shocking. Growing up on the east coast and midwest I've seen many white Christmas', new years, black history months. But it was beautiful and fell constantly all day long. I think the craziest happenings that I remember that involved snow was back in 1990 is South Dakota. We received enough hail to have snowball fights in July! Of course in the south, we're not completely prepared for unexpected weather. We have no salt trucks, maybe a handful of plow-like machines. Schools, churches, and some businesses closed for the day. I wonder what Mayor Franklin would have done if we all woke up to this:

I remained inside, drinking all things that are warm and watched the people on the street drive with super caution. By the next morning, things were basically back to normal. The melting snow sounded like the perfect rainstorm.
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