
Where sarcasm and contradictions runs rampid. Why must everyone be so serious? This is life from my p.o.v. you're right, you don't have to love it. I'm just a girl... in pursuit of my version of freedom. Feel free to comment this online diary that follows the mind of the messenger,
never dictated by page 6.



Sounds so sci-fi and in my opinion appropriate for describing this individual. She has to be crazy or knows something that we don't to just have given birth to octuplets... and she planned it! Yes, this is her second time going through in-vitro to conceive multiple times, simultaneously and now she is the proud single parent of 14 children. I can see it now: after the new babes reach a level of 'camera maturity' the family will have their own reality show. Included with a large plush house, cute matching outfits, and endless groceries... all provided by the network of course. Followed by a book deal and countless appearances on Oprah and 60 minutes. Is this what some people live for? Find a gimmick, exploit the hell out of it, and wait to cash in? If that's your life's ambition, then do what you do, but can we please have some class and leave the children out of it?
According to her mother, she's always wanted children. Ever since high school, she's wanted nothing but to be a mother. As touching as that sounds it's even more "special" that her ex husband fathered none of her
 14 children. Ok, I'm done talking about her questionable choice. Have you noticed that she looks a lot like Angelina Jolie? A woman who she shares a lot of the same physical
 characteristics as she as well as goals. It's obvious by looking at her that she's had some work done. But is she truly trying to emulate her, or is she... crazy? I've heard of look a-likes and fanatics but would someone go through such lengths as to have multiple children to be more like their favorite celebrity? 

Maybe she thought no one would notice, but right after her first appearance since the birth of her babies everyone is on her ass. I hope big mama isn't that off. I'll let you be the judge.

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