
Where sarcasm and contradictions runs rampid. Why must everyone be so serious? This is life from my p.o.v. you're right, you don't have to love it. I'm just a girl... in pursuit of my version of freedom. Feel free to comment this online diary that follows the mind of the messenger,
never dictated by page 6.


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The average marriage lasts about 9 years. Don't get mad at me, those are the numbers that I was given during the 6 o'clock news [a.m. that is]. That number is so depressing. I think I have bras older than that. I wonder if that number includes the year you spend dating that one person. My parents were married as soon as my Mom graduated from high school and lasted 25 years. They courted long distance and saw each other whenever my Dad could get away from D.C. Maybe it's their situation and the fairy tales of my other family members that makes me 'delusional' in the eyes of most when it comes to relationships. One major difference that I see between then and now is that too many people are playing house. There are a lot of young people who are so focused on becoming established now, instead of just being young. Give a child a bank account and priorities tend to go a little out of focus. It's the story of every child stars life.

Back then, a girl didn't want to seem fast by kissing on the lips too soon, and it was bad manners for a guy to kiss and tell. Now, you're considered a 'bad girlfriend' if you don't clean or wash your boyfriends things on a regular basis. Huh? I had a homegirl who was notorious for doing that. Right off the bat of meeting a guy, she would be cooking full meals, and cleaning for him daily and still working and paying her own bills. Then add insult to injury, have to argue with him about his 'god-sister' that's coming to visit for the weekend... Most guys are expecting a wife/housekeeper/whore at fly-by boyfriend's output. But I mean, to each its own. I couldn't say that I wouldn't take full advantage of that type of treatment if someone was givng it away.

It doesn't surprise me that some people would rather spend money on expensive dating services or use companies online to cut to the chase. I love the Millionaire's club show that comes on Bravo. A catalog of eligible men get put through a 'prepping' process that offers them insight on what a woman prefers. You get one completely sober date to get decide if this is going to be worth your time. After that... who knows. The last episode the 'millionaire' proposed at the end of the second date. Time is something that is definitely not on a woman's side so pointlessly dating could leave you burned and 'heartless' by the age of 30.

Cooking, cleaning, laundry, babysitting... those sound like wifely duties to me. But from what I hear in relationships, that's regulation. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind pitching in. From time to time. But I'm not keeping anyone's ship until I am certain that 'we' are truly in this together. Regardless of what men might think, women want to have someone she can totally spoil with the least amount of verbal conflict involved. With women, it's definitely a security issue. If we don't feel secure in our position with you, it's hard to be the woman you need. Guys, you can't expect a woman to be your 'best friend' and treat her like a hoe. And ladies, you can't expect a guy to pay all your bills and play with your kid when you've slept with all his boys. It's easier to respect other people when you respect yourself. And when you respect yourself, the difference of love and like become visible. I'm aware of the many variables that have made women dangerously independent and the good guys say "fuck it" but some things have been done a certain way so long that it's hard to say "what exactly went wrong" or when it all started. Bottom line: the priorities and roles are definitely flip flopped. The boys make babies and throw money. Wearing graphic tees with cartoon characters and fitted jeans. Guys who sometimes go a lifetime without wearing a suit, let alone know their measurements. And the girls who still find rivalries well into their mid to late 20's, give the pussy up on the first night, and who only date to find a captain-save-her. No one likes to be taken advantage of or deceived so why not stop with all the games and be as real as most claim to be? Or upfront with expectations and intentions? You never know what the person might say. Apparently there are plenty who don't mind the idea of no nonsense casual sex.

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