Where sarcasm and contradictions runs rampid. Why must everyone be so serious? This is life from my p.o.v. you're right, you don't have to love it. I'm just a girl... in pursuit of my version of freedom. Feel free to comment this online diary that follows the mind of the messenger,
mr., it's obvious that the heartless still feel. or we would be able to deal with each other with no problem. it's gotta be so much harder to push your want aside and act the part: you don't care. love is something you can turn on and off. things are different in a day. huh? that sounds real conditional sonny. something that 'love' definitely is not. the smartest people in the world do the dumbest things in search for the impossible to make them feel 'whole', even if part of the equation is the one who cooks their meals and dotes after them. the road you're traveling is one i've seen before. that's why i tried to warn you [what is it about men taking advice from women?], but you put on the 'game face' and assured you had it all under control. turns out, it's got more control over you than you planned. definitely sui generis, through your journey, please don't lose you're wonderful, eclectic, bright spirit. talk more, it results in resiliency, and let your family keep you grounded. i say all these things because it's clear that i won't be there for you, dear friend. but that isn't by choice. it hurts that you aren't able to just be friends, and that i won't be able to laugh the kind of laugh that only you evoke. i just wanted to get along... but i ask for a favor, "it depends".... i don't want a friend who does that anyway. oh well, i enjoyed my time with you. just hope the feeling was mutual. that's all we have left. feelings. whether you like it or not!
*post disclaimer: the feelings conveyed with the association with the video is just general. yes, my heart still beats, and my life goes on. i just used to jam to this back in the day! vintage kelis!
“When you're young, your whole life is about the pursuit of fun. Then, you grow up and learn to be cautious. You could break a bone or a heart. You look before you leap and sometimes you don't leap at all because there's not always someone there to catch you. And in life, there's no safety net. When did it stop being fun and start being scary?”
"You men have no idea what we're dealing with down there. Teeth placement, and jaw stress, and suction, and gag reflex, and all the while bobbing up and down, moaning and trying to breathe through our noses. Easy? Honey, they don't call it a job for nothin'.”
“I will never be the woman with the perfect hair, who can wear white and not spill on it.”
“I admit it's tempting to wish for the perfect boss - the perfect parent - or the perfect outfit. But maybe the best any of us can do is not quit, play the hand we've been dealt, and accessorize what we've got."
"I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it."
"She can reach me, but I can't ever get her."
"I love you, but I love me more."
"Oh my God, she's fashion road-kill!"
"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they just need to run free til they find someone just as wild to run with them."
"Are we simply romantically challenged, or are we sluts?"
I must have seen the entire show a million times and know hundreds of quotes by heart, and I still watch the re-runs like I'm just now seeing them for the first time. And between me and you, the only personalities I stalk with pride.
not really, but right now, yeah. I've been trying to write 1 blog a day, or a few if I missed one, but this week has been hectic. After typing a few business proposals, looking over notes and terminology, and inputing tax info. on the company server, I'm kinda typed out. Which is kind of unfortunate because there's so many topics that are bouncing around in my head. I'll be back in a minute, just so djih ,akjie .j.
I didn't think I would ever have to put up a disclaimer for my lil 'ole blog. I mean, I'm not trying to hurt anybody. I just write the best way I know how. My favorite cousin and I used to write letters to each other every week from the time we were in 7th grade, until we graduated and she told me that I write exactly how I talk. And in my mind, I take most things as a joke, especially when it comes to irrelevant topics such as pop culture, or the actions of others. I'm not that closed minded of a person that I judge unless I know for myself what it is I speak. I do however have blogs about real feelings. Afewofthoseblogscanbefoundhere. I say all of that to say this: I received my first anonymous comment and it happened to be slightly judgmental with a hint of negativity[gasp]. Which is so not what we do here!
I guess I should have made myself clear, the whole concept of my blog is to not dwell on negativity. To add something to someone's day, instead of fill this e-space with complaining and ragging on trivial shit. The title of this blog is In Pursuit of Happiness Whatever That Means true indeed, but that doesn't include downing something else to make yourself feel better. I'm not here to judge, this is a space that I use just for me and I admit, I'm not always right, and I don't have a problem with learning something from my peers, but I don't respect faceless opinions. Period. This was a comment left from my recent Ciara post.
So to personally answer this anonymous fellow blogger [I'm sure] you're right, I haven't been following Ciara's videos, in fact, "I don't really watch videos on television anymore for the same reason I don't listen to the radio... it's the same shit every hour on the hour." That was me, by the way. And the only point that I was trying to make, was that a lot of 'respectable' people are participating in activity that they would turn their nose up in in public. You see it all the time, people passing judgment of people they don't know. Especially women who choose to dance. But it's obviously a secret fantasy of many. As several other celebrities have shown as well. Dear reader, I think we just had a misunderstanding. That's why I took time out just for you to answer your comment. I hope this explains my position further.
So with that being said:
This blog is not the closed minded or those who can't stomach sarcasm. this blog is intender for the light of heart and objective minds. Feel free to read the thoughts that run through my mind and leave the judgment at the door. Im a student of the world and love learning things from a different perspective. Almost all feedback is welcome. Except for the anonymous.
One of my guilty [but healthy] indulges is to rummage through the gossip sites. I can only do this like once a month because it seems that everybody's talking about the same shit at the same time. I get a kick out of hearing people commentating and speculating on everyone else's life. One thing I've always wondered is where are these people getting their information from? I mean, the way some of these editorials [most modernly known as 'blogs'] are written makes you think the mofo giving the scoop was sitting in the back seat while Chris and Rhi were fighting it out, or knew 'Danger' personally since they were knee-high to a french fry. Like c'mon. If you don't know what you're talking about, use verbs like: seems like, appears to be, I think, ect. Don't lie and write the story like you have all the facts.
Which leads me to the point of this post. There's nothing more dangerous to me than a 'know-it-all' with an audience with the wrong info/intentions. The lovely young woman pictured above is Omarion's new wife. Her name is Deborah and she's had the unfortunate experience of having her name riddled with slander. The article I read is here. Ok, [exhales], first of all, she's not an ex-Magic City dancer, she's an ex-Magic City waitress, and as most of those who are reading this knows that's a huge difference. While working at Magic, she had never taken any other position besides being a waitress. Period. Now, before she worked at Magic, I have no idea, but from what I know, she's too young to have done anything else prior. The blog mentioned that she's bi-sexual. And? The accusation of that might be true/untrue, but obviously has no relevance to the one she's with. So why does it matter to us to know that? The answer is: it shouldn't. The author of the blog included two pics of Mrs. Grandberry chillin', in civilian clothes at Magic City and that was supposed to solidify the whole story.... hmmm. News flash: they take pics of everyone if you're 'dressed up' in Magic. There are plenty of non dancers who's pictures are all over their site.
And the comment: "I guess since Amber Rose is doing Yeezy, the sky is the limit for a stripper these days." Are you serious? So now, according to her, certain occupations limit you for what you can have in your life. And I have a question for all of you: are we really that 'together' where we can tell others what they're worth?? Where do they do that at? On the planet of self-righteous, of course. That type of shit makes my ass itch... don't let your ignorance come out to play people.
I mean, the strip club is a stepping, not corner stone, and like the many women who have started in the strip club and go on to act, model, sing, get married, start families, start companies... Deborah did what she was supposed to do.
One of the issues I have with Magic City is the fact that they take hella pictures inside of the club. When I first started going to strip clubs, there were rules you had to follow on a big sign before you even got to see the ass:
if you were a female without a male date, you had to pay double: nothing personal, but there's too many females who go to strip clubs just to catch their next 'baller', and look @ the dancers like they're crazy.
no cameras allowed: period. not even on your phone [and guys are actually lame/bold enough to hold a flip phone up, flash bright as all outdoors, and try to take a picture of their dance. the smell of your cologne, 'desperation' is making my eyes water
2 drink minimum: you had to come in there and do something. and if you didn't, your waitress had the power to have you kicked out. matter of fact, you disrespect anyone while you were in their space [bouncer, dancer, waitress] and you would be kicked out.
Oh how times have changed.
Even though Magic has a big name in the south in terms of strip clubs, everyone who goes there should not have to worry about a camera crew outing you! Pictures used to be taken 'all in the name of fun' and the next thing you know, there's a totally nude shot of you on the internet. So not cool. Truth of the matter is, most levels of management in these types of establishments simply don't care about the personal safety and reputations of their girls. I know girls who are doing this just to make money, not become a celebrity[?], and don't want vintage photos haunting them because some hater wants to have something to write about on their site.
But I felt I had to come into my personal forum and put up some personal truth about this pseudo scandal. Debbie is what she is: a beautiful, young woman living a dream that most dream of. And wearing an impressive piece of jewelry! Make 'em real mad Deb, go ahead an go half on one!
I'm not hating on the song or CC, I'm just saying. Justin looking oh so tasty, like usual, and gave me the new found impression that he might have enough 'juice' to actually have a black girlfriend. He looked so comfortable sitting back in his chair getting a lap dance by the biggest strip club closet freak in the industry. Honestly, I'm becoming a little confused if Ciara still actually wants to be a singer/dancer/whatever. Isn't this like the 3rd video, consecutively, of hers that has her scantily clad and hanging onto a pole for dear life? Don't get me wrong, she looks great, moves good, but I just don't see how this is going to make her more of a convincing artist. Which was the issue like 3-4 years ago... the public categorizing her as a minimalist in terms of vocal range.
I get the point though. This is just another anthem celebrating the physical aptitude of the ladies of the night who 'work that twerk that', for.... tuition? [let me stop]
wouldn't it have been better for Ciara to play the cool, adoring patron of all the girls who actually perform instead of playing a dancer?
I can see her now, leaning back in a chair with her legs wide open while a cocoa skinned thoroughbred bounced her backside.
I don't really watch videos on television anymore for the same reason I hardly listen to the radio... it's the same shit every hour on the hour. I finally checked out her new one
and took some clips of my favorite moves to perform and take a gander at when I visit the strip club:
the infamous alter ego [aka] costume change.
the 'one leg shake'
'the backbend'
not quite sure.
sole' circa now.
'full moon over my hammy'
I remember the time when Ciara let a nigga know he better not even dare asking for the goodies. Now it seems like she's serving it warm on a silver platter for the boys to lap up. Maybe this is her way of showing maturity, or maybe it's simply the aftermath of dealing with the heartless... either way it's the same story, different stage.
i can just see a tech perv now looking at this app under his desk while getting his much needed jollies. too bad for them, this one didn't make the cut.
one of the things i enjoy the most during sex is having my breasts felt and played with. sometimes that's all i need to get there, and is definitely a must in every encounter. everything likes to feel a little appreciation.
i've noticed to most men, breasts are out of style like the light skinned man. it's all about ass nowadays, which kinda sucks for girls like me, who have nice bumps at top and bottom, but always running into someone who 'wishes i had a lil mo ass!' one guy had the nerve to tell me, i would be fine as all outdoors if i weighed 130 lbs. i'm only 5'1, and yeah, that might add some jiggle, but 20 extra pounds would completely hide my small waist line. i would officially be block-built and to me, extra weight takes away from my 'look'. that's why i am a firm believer in exercise, just like the lady to the left.
now that's home made thickness right there!
ki toy worked her way into that body and i commend her for all the hours of dedication. because at the end of the day, it's nice to have something to hold onto, but even better if you can maintain the same effect.
i've been pressured [in so many ways] to alter my body. "all you have to do is eat waffle house when you leave the club and go to sleep", "all you need is a few extra pounds and you'd be straight", these comments have come from women who i know try to con their way to the perfect body. they fast, and take laxatives, wear body contouring bustiers, and get lipo suction, obviously to look more like me.hmmm. or from the women who take periactin pills, or depo birth control shots to gain weight. when did everybody become so fucking dissatisfied? either way it goes, the advice 'from the wise' is the shit that came from the mystery meat sandwich that the media offers us every day.
don't get me wrong, i'm not knocking anyone who chooses to alter themselves. but i do have a problem with unhappy souls who alter themselves and then tell me that i have a problem for looking the way i do. to each its own, but don't knock me because i would rather save up for a filet from ruth's chris steakhouse instead of scraping the change from my car door for a #4 from mcdonald's. it's a matter of preference, simple as that.
all i need is to keep doing exactly what i've been doing: eat whatever the fuck i want [jealous yet?] and go for my power walks and do my pilates. this is going to ensure that i stay looking this way or better for the next 15-20 years. instead of telling folks of how fine i used to be, i can say thanks to the compliment of being carded way past my 21st birthday.
I have sent you my invitation, the note inscribed on the palm of my hand by the fire of living.
Don't jump up and shout, "Yes, this is what I want! Let's do it!"
Just stand up quietly and dance with me.
Show me how you follow your deepest desires, spiraling down into the ache within the ache, and I will show you how I reach inward and open outward to feel the kiss of the Mystery, sweet lips on my own, every day.
Don't tell me you want to hold the whole world in your heart.
Show me how you turn away from making another wrong without abandoning yourself when you are hurt and afraid of being unloved.
Tell me a story of who you are, and see who I am in the stories I am living.
And together we will remember that each of us always has a choice.
Don't tell me how wonderful things will be...someday.
Show me you can risk being completely at peace, truly okay with the way things are right now in this moment, and again in the next and the next and the next...
I have heard enough warrior stories of heroic daring.
Tell me how you crumble when you hit the wall, the place you cannot go beyond by the strength of your own will.
What carries you to the other side of that wall, to the fragile beauty of your own humanness?
And after we have shown each other how we have set and kept the learn, healthy boundaries that help us live side by side with each other,let us risk remembering that we never stop silently loving those we once loved out loud.
Take me to the places on the earth that teach you how to dance, the places where you can risk letting the world break your heart, and I will take you to the places where the earth beneath my feet and the stars overhead make my heart whole again and again.
Show me how you take care of business without letting business determine who you are.
When the children are fed but still the voices within and around us shout that soul's desires have too high a price, let us remind each other that it is never about the money.
Show me how you offer to your people and the world the stories and the songs you want our children's children to remember, and I will show you how I struggle, not to change the world, but to love it.
Sit beside me in long moments of shared solitude, knowing both our absolute aloneness and our undeniable belonging.
Dance with me in the silence and in the sound of small daily words, holding neither against me at the end of the day.
And when the sound of all the declarations of our sincerest intentions have died away on the wind, dance with me in the infinite pause before the next great inhale of the breath that is breathing us all into being, not filling the emptiness from the outside or from within.
It's not enough to hear 'I am loved' by the one who've done me wrong anymore. The younger me would have craved the drama and the allure of someone "going through so much trouble" to go back and forth. The older me knows that the only one going through so much is me and the one who deals with words has forgotten what was said as soon as it leaves their lips. Allowing them to live with no guilt, and leaving me frustrated because all I'm left with is words. That can always be manipulated and misconstrued. Any man will stay if you make the situation comfy enough, but it won't keep him.
they say big things come in small packages. If this lady doesn't knock you away with her huge sound, then you can't help to notice the major influence that she has on every single man she "locks down". Let's just say, there's definitely something about Erykah...
It's funny. Most people don't expect women of small stature to have much of a shape. But if white girls are being born with ass, I say it's a about time the petite women had our turn. Yeah, I'm a "lil' mama" but have been let know on many levels my uniqueness. Which honestly I wasn't really aware of since I've always been one of the only short, athletically built girls I knew growing up.
I was elated when I went to see her last April on stage in her total element: brown afro wig, Seven's baseball t shirt, grey sweat pants, and 6 inch Loubitan boots. That ensemble alone made her one of my style 'she-roes'.
I just love the way she just does her, brushing off the criticism
of the fact that she has 3 children fathered by different men, and complaints about her performances with off the wall interludes.
Anyway, the motivation of this post is obviously, the 'reverse baby bump' that she's acquired over the years of offspring and a good relationship with her personal trainer. There's hope for us 'little' women yet!
I've been told I'm fake. Maybe not in those exact words, but I've been informed that I'm walking around acting like I'm something I'm not. To me, that's a safe translation. I know what I am and say it proudly. The problem is that self appointed know-it-all's want to use their outside observation to tell me things about myself that they feel I'm confused about. People who have no credibility and who have let their mistakes turn them into miserable misers because they can't let go. I just want them to take "all they know" and fix their own lives to benefit themselves. Because my spirit is straight, like 9:15.
A lot of people walk around with personal guilts. Either pre-disposition by our parents [my Mom used to accuse me of having an attitude problem] or are fostered by of our lack of knowledge [my nephew's friend who killed herself because she was drinking underage and was raped]. Being able to let go of those types of emotions are difficult, especially if you don't have a support system of positive people who won't let you drown in your own pool of self pity. It makes me happy to know that I have so much love from my family and no matter what I did/do, they always accept me and is there for me. I recognize a lot of things in my life that make me happy. Things that have no dollar amount and have no substitutions. I've learned at an early age that looks, money, nice clothes, luxury period could be taken away just as easily as it's given. I look forward to how good the weather feels, a cold Red Stripe after a long day, an extended house mix cd. Shit that's so random but so right on time. Does that mean that my outlook on life is fabricated? Or because simple things make me smile, I want little out of life? I'm here to say differently. Money matters to me. Nice things in general are things I want in my life. But they aren't the things that keep me looking forward to another day. Being an aunt, a sister, a daughter, ect. is what defines me. Those are the things that I would fall for any day of the week.
My glass is always half full. And I'm always going to tell you that things will get better because they will. I'm a witness. The world needs people like me and maybe if the 'pity committee' had someone like me to tell them it's going to be ok, they wouldn't have such a bleak, dog-eat-dog mentality, constantly pointing out others faults. The whole concept is simple. Happiness is a choice that you ultimately make. Either celebrate the inconvenient or do something about it. I choose to be "happy" because I chose to believe there's something bigger than me. Something bigger than designer shoes and fancy cars. Thinking of my unborn children and all the people I plan on helping throughout my lifetime makes me smile.
I say I'm "happy" because I am. In my heart, I really am. And no, everyday doesn't go my way. But it's mine all the same to make into whatever I please. That could be either bad, with mishaps and sour expressions, or good with roller skating and family movie night. The choice is yours.
It's a shame that people don't believe that I am genuinely happy; with the way things turned out thus far. And for all of those who have so much hate in their hearts that they hope I'm less than what I am, can shove that shit where it don't shine.
In Pursuit of Happiness Whatever That Means.
this is what is means to me... what does it mean to you?
Have you heard that Kim is coming out with a fragrance? I'm sorry, but if I decided to not smell like myself and opted for a celeb instead, it would not be this one. It probably smells like a mixture of greed and Reggie's ball sack. And what's up with her always excluding her sisters from the equation? I catch the mini marathons that vh1 plays and the last time I checked both Kourtney and Khloe could hold their own. But Kim wants to be the super hero that is the cause for everyone's come up and it's just not necessary. It shows how self absorbed she appears to be.
I think Kourt and Khloe should team up and come out with something that involves keeping their clothes on!
There were many places I looked in during my window shopping escapade this past Sunday. I needed some inspiration to keep me moving in the direction I'm in. I don't know about y'all but new merchandise is aaaalll the inspiration I need. And it was a nice trail for my new acquaintance and I to walk while we talked about everything for hours. I made comments about items that I would like to get in the future [in between the heavy topics] and just enjoyed myself. Since then, I've been busy researching things for work, eating, sleeping, and smiling more than I remember in a long time. In addition to my good mood, I got a little extra something special. Just cause.
"stick together"
peek a boo
here she is
how cute!
My very own BlackBerry Curve 8900. Just what I wanted and pointed out days earlier while at the mall. I'm not used to people who say they like me actually show me that they like me, by listening and applying what they've learned. And no, it's not the fact that the retail value reaches in the hundreds, but because he knew that that's what I wanted. And I could tell my reaction was all the repayment he needed.
my favorite features[thus far]:
full web browser
telenav gps
"on the hip" email
3.2 mega pxl camera
apps and more apps
I've been out of the loop when it comes to the whole mobile social networks so I have no clue what the deal is with all the different messaging. Even though I've gotten requests, I don't think twitter is in my future, but I'm open for aol and blackberry chats.
Oh I adore my new phone and tuck it in at night in it's little black case. I wonder how long it'll actually stay titanium. Thanks again hun for listening to me!
I wonder who's gonna take my vacant fave 2 spots???
I've been thinking about sex lately. What it means, the level of importance it's reached on my personal list, how taboo its become, how it still makes grown people uncomfortable. How folks are still unaware of their own preferences, how it's everywhere. Recently, I've had an encounter that definitely qualified as an 'exhale' moment. In my previous relationships I was afraid to tell my lover what I liked. I never told them when something just wasn't working for me. I would just move with them and enjoy the smell of their skin, the warmth of their body, and that would be enough. I don't know, I really didn't want to bruise the fragile male ego and fuck up our sex life in the future. Now guys, before you get upset, most of you don't know how to take constructive criticism when it comes to the bedroom. Tv has lied to men so much by making them believe that as soon as they climb on top/side/behind, whatever, the sensation of their 'member' is so euphoric that the girl starts going crazy and a few minutes later, she's climaxing. Sorry to disappoint, but that's not how it works at all. I've had to throw the "F" word in so many anxious encounters. Foreplay is so important fellas, stop being selfish and get with the movement!
Since we have the honor of bearing children in the most painless way made physically possible, [I suppose], the sensation of a penis isn't always enough. Don't get me wrong, we feel you, but it takes a little bit more to take us to the leg shaking, stuttering, condition you so long to achieve. Or as I like to call it: the mountain top. I had been searching for the way to get there, and I've found a few things that I hold to be true to eliminate a lot of issues that hold most back from having satisfying sex:
be honest! Ladies, if you like to be spanked and choked from time to time, tell him! Fellas, if you like your girl to put on the wig and be a totally different woman tonight, or wants you to talk to him in that Ana Nicole voice, tell her! You never know, they could be a freak just like the rest of us.
be open. Fellas, if your lady tells you she likes to be spanked and choked from time to time, that doesn't mean she's a hoe. Ladies, if he asks you to do a little role play doesn't mean that he wishes you were someone else. If you want the heat, you have to endure the kitchen.
don't be selfish. Part of the responsibility of sex [yeah, there's responsibility in everything] is to not worry about your own desires only. We're dealing with people, not tools, or stress relievers. Watching someone else getting off, can help you get there too... and you should want to have a good referral.
choose wisely. Pick someone to be intimate with who you feel completely comfortable with. Someone who can experiment things with you, without feeling cheapened or compromised and knows the gift of discretion.
get passed yourself. Every woman I know would love to spend their lives with tall, handsome, muscular men with 9 inches or more, an generous heart, and a bottomless bank account. Every man I know would love to marry a woman with long indian hair [naturally], has 36-25-45 measurements, light eyes, and Patti Labell's cookbook and technique down. But the reality is that it doesn't happen everyday, well, ever. So throw away the list of the perfect mate from 7th grade away and get real!
I find it sexy the way most people can separate the professional and the sexual deviant. Not everyone needs to know or should know all your treasures that make you different from 'that chick'. I've got to thank my professor for giving me this recent sexual enlightening, it would be unfair to attribute it completely on age. Thanks for encouraging me to be me and releasing so much pent up frustrations and fears. Now maybe I can chill the fuck out!
Stripping had been slowly creeping into mainstream about 5 years ago when Crunch fitness started erotic aerobic classes, incorporating sexy moves and stainless steel poles. Now every housewife takes a pole class to stay in shape and has a pair of six inch heels tucked in the closet. Strip has marked it's own niche into society and has developed its own culture and influences most of todays media and many peoples extra curricular activities. Beyonce puts on one helluva show in Sugar Mama, Ciara teased in Promise... and now my baby mama is strippin' for her child! Well, in her new movie 'Blue' at least. This lady is my 'after'... after I stay down long enough on an exercise plan to get those results! She's thick in all the right places, but still looks... tight. What else can I say, you saw the clip! She's made me anxious to put yet another movie on my "to watch list" and I can be a perv with no judgement!
I took a little trip... took a little trip... to Nordstrom to see what was new on the racks. I don't know why I torture myself like this.
Check out my next victim:
Gwen Stefani's L.A.M.B. has got me sayin' "damn."
I absolutely love little extras like the embossed bottoms with the sea
foam green and gold name plate on each bottom.
I tried them on and walked around, checking myself out from every angle. They went so well with the light grey skinny jeans and cropped leather jacket I was already wearing... [sigh]
but I had to leave them where they lay.
quick history:
the line was established in 2003 and hit runways in 2004. The influence is a mixture of Guatemalan, Japanese, Indian, and Jamaican. L.oveA.ngelM.usicB.aby designs clothes, watches, bags, and fragrances.
ok, so I've been tagged and by C.c. Denise and asked to tell 7 things that you don't know about me. the rules are simple: you have to give a link to the person who tagged you, you have to write 7 things about yourself that folks DON'T know about you, and then you must tag 7 more people to do the same. I usually don't support these things, but f* it. Could be... interesting.
➀ I was sprayed by an elephant at the circus when I was about 4. The whole thing reminded me of Dumbo... I just wanted to give him a peanut.
➁ I would have been married for 5 years if I would have went through with it. He was my first everything and bought me the prettiest princess cut stone..
➂ Was a speaker at my high school graduation. Out of a 500+ class, I was the only minority student to do something besides march. In the name of progress, meant something to me.
➃ Was the female vocals on ' Corporate Thuggin' and 'You Can't Stop These Gangstas' [songs feat. on USDA and Can't Ban The Snowman: Mixtape] currently revising my talent.
➄ Likes to talk dirty in bed and loves it when my partner talks back. I'm sorry, silent sex is kinda boring.
➅ Interviewed Jeff Francoeur when we were in high school. I so enjoyed being a writer and photographer for my high school news paper. I covered all kinds of stuff, and even did sports write ups for the GDP on the weekends.
➆ Favorite number is 7: I was born on the 7th and always has to deal with it in some way: hence this blog!
Not quite exactly 7 things. Give or take. Ha. But I'm kinda thorough like that. Alright, my appointed 7, your turn.
It's hard to find good help these days, especially when you're hung over. I had to break the monotony of these four walls and took a trip to my old stomping grounds, Onyx. Had great fun celebrating my bartender homie's birthday, but paid a heavy price the next day. I knew I shouldn't have agreed to the patron and grand marnier shots. Blame it on the goose shots that came before. Headaches, tummy aches... [shakes head] all I wanted to do was sleep. But when I finally peeled myself from the bed, I went to go get something that I knew would help ale me. I got a sprite in the retro-styled glass bottles that they've been offering in gas stations. Coca Cola is made here in Atlanta and the variety of products found here make it a nice home town feature. There's something totally different in the taste of glass versus plastic. And was definitely $1.70 well spent. With certain things, it's definitely quality over quantity... guess someone should have told me that last night.
It's a decision we both made at different times. Since I've made that choice, I have to play by the rules: no conversation. No contact. It's time to deal with just me. I couldn't help but send the "I hope you have a good day" text, I felt like you needed it. If there was a pill out that I could take that erased your memory of me for the next 8 to 10 hours I would so take it. I know all your spots and I would come to you. Just to see you and be in your space and experience you. Without bias or judgement. I would force a conversation and you would oblige, being the flirt you are, and you wouldn't help but wonder where you know me from. I would get the best of you for a while. At least I would know you were alright. Just miss ya is all. Even right now, I'm sitting at Slice, having one and a beer hoping you'll be the next one through the door. My thoughts have been strong lately, but I know the chances of that happening is close to none. Too bad such a pill doesn't exist.
Everyday doesn't go my way. But it's mine all the same to mold into whatever I please. I say I'm 'happy' because I'm free. To be. . . exactly that. So I smile because a frown is the first glimpse of giving in. And that isn't an option.