When I was younger, I was all about the gadgets. I remember getting the first sidekick ever and feeling foolish when no one I knew had one to chat with. But I had that number since
high school and didn't want to change it [I keep everything] so I got a sprint phone. For the ring tones of course! When I got impatient with my sidekick, I dropped that and got a treo to recieve my emails on hand and continued to upgrade whenever the newest whatever came out. I stuck to my 'tried and true' blackberry for the longest until I lost the war to orange soda damage [womp womp]. I was the same with cameras, ipods, computers, laptops, the works. Now, I'm satisfied with one blackberry, one laptop, my pc, and my ipod. All the movies about national security and super multi functional technology raised a certain level of paranoia that I could do without. It's like, what would you do when that shit decides to malfunction? Basically, you're screwed. And I decided to stop fronting like I had so much going on that I need all this 'necessary crap'.
So. Somewhere around mid July, I started feeling restless with my comcast service. Can someone tell me the pros of this 'HD convertor box'? I see it mainly as a bullshit way to boost the economy by making people buy new sets. And just a thought: where do all the old tv's go? The parts that come inside can't be good for the environment.
Me and the Mr. would be watching the game or the newest First 48 and all of a sudden

the screen would be diagnosed with cerebral palsy and fuck up the entire evening. The episodes were so frustrating and chronic that we just simplified to just internet service. Our local representative[s] had been more than accommodating with the offers of free channels but what good would they have done if we couldn't watch them? But with the help from one of the homies, we do receive basic cable, including 3 pay per views... for free! Life is still sweet without all the extra and as long as they keep running reruns of Living Single and RoseAnne I'm sure I'll manage [:
by the way: I totally forgot about superbowl... someone tell me about it!