I'm sore than a motha! I don't do that, one day chest and arms, second day legs and ass stuff. I hit it in one wop!
I met the nicest Wendy's window crew: it's nice to know that customer service is still alive in the West End!
Is getting better with my cooking: not j
ust limited to boxed cuisine, I free pour now!
Am my own personal experiment: still working with the photoshop and running around crazy with my photo editing. I'm starting to run out of hard drive space and I need to get off my ass and get an external! I'm my own personal trainer and nutritionist, and am a novice sculptor!
I: really give two flips about what anyone has to say about me! The feeling is similar to taking off your bra. It's liberating and I can 'jiggle' anyway I please.
Smile: every time I see the cloth bags in stores for everyone to go green, recycling is infectious! Spread the word!
Hates: that I haven't taken any docu pic's in a while
Needs: another hustle. My house needs a lot of work done and I'm still a shopaholic.
Is trying: my damnist to follo
w my own workout plan. Typing has been soooo painful.
Really: wants to go to school. I can only teach myself so much, but I find out you still need that piece of paper.
Kinda: misses hashbrowns and cheese eggs @ 4 am with the girls. Just a little ]:
Wants: a black cat for my birthday. I hear they're good luck! So somebody get on it!
Is ready: for my life to begin.

Really digs: this dark nail polish. Am I late? Normally not a big fan but not bad. And no, it's not black, it's OPI'S Lincoln Park After Dark and it's a deep purple.
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