That is what I envisioned Cabo St. Luca to look like when my boss and his lady friend were considering where to celebrate the new year. I imagined baking my body until it looked like glazed terra cotta. Sipping in between Fiji and vodka and walking around the city wrapped in colors. We were to stay at hotel-ME [look it up] and I couldn't wait for Helga or other wise aesthetically trained technician to make me smooth as an hard boiled egg; just for myself. Due to misplacement of passport I wasn't able to make that flight so decided to spend time to put stock in other things.
Last new years was pure crazy for me. I spent it with my pseudo family which resulted in 'little brother's' incarceration. After that night, the rest of the months followed suit, making sure to throw me an infamous curve ball in each, just to keep me on my toes. I stayed in a cycle of confusion trusting the blind that ultimately didn't want me to advance. I put so much stock in others when there's only me I should trust. So this year, I decided to bring in things with money, food, and good company.
That's right, I was another one of the many who worked in my new years. Literally.

The place was Chicago's jazz restaurant and management had enough insight to serve black eyed peas for prosperity and collard greens for... well... money. I loaded up on both. There were smiling faces in the place and of course, champaign and the countdown. I had to remain professional, keeping my camera behind the bar, but you know I got a few:

I made some really cool friends. Lavor, Eric, white girl Sara, and the lot. And Mike and Lonnie, my favorite in and out couple.

My hunnie was working a mansion party, so we shared kisses via text. That man. That man.
If I had to pick a theme for 2oo8 it would be: FRIEND. Notice the frilliness of the colors because the whole concept of the modern friend is total bullshit. Mostly based on convenience, or highly influenced by the chance of a 'come up', and never abiding by any type of loyalty. I've noticed that people show you just who they are every day. The difference between now and then is I believe them.
I have seen the evils and felt the exact degree of jealousy and learned that, quite frankly, most hate to see others happy. I've actually been told that my happiness causes discomfort. I've went through my set of friends, foes, and dumb ass hoes so much that I would never consider giving up men. My circle is so small it's basically a period and I love it. Having just what I need and part of what I want.
I still believe in love! It kinda sucks that I can't revel in my relationship publicly. I guess my gloating to the masses really pisses off the 'unofficial' ones [and I'll touch the whole 'official' 'unofficial' topic for those who are angry]. I want to actually keep the good thing we have going so let me be quiet before some broad with low self esteem and too much time on her hands tries to give him her pussy in the company holiday swag bag. Silly silly girls.
I've always had a lot to give of myself. God has given me a shit load of patience and he's blessed me with a huge heart that I intend to use. I was shown nothing but love from the people who helped make me, I feel it my duty to be an all time instructor. This also pisses people off, but that's just me. So fuck 'em!
The moral of the story is: Love me or get the fuck out my face. Plain and simple folks. OH yeah, and I plan on wearing as little make up as possible this year. This is my face world.
Get used to it! I'm truly relieved that 'o8 is over! That's all.

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