My sister is one of my heros, whether she knows it or not. Not because she's been through a lot physically, but because she has brought 3 of my favorite people into my life. Number three just arriving just 8 days ago.
Mom is one of the only universal words that reminds people of that happy place.
That makes them think about their taste of real love and the first true model of what a woman is supposed to be. At least I hope. When I think of Mom I think about all the field trips she went on with me, the healthy snacks she would make my girl scout troupe, and the way she always let me know that she was there, no matter what. God, I want to be that superhero- to my kids. One of the things I have to do before I die is have a baby. To experience making another 'me' and be responsible for the shaping of their life.
Meet my sister, Janine! Neen-bean for short. Who was always getting mad whenever I dipped into her closet without asking, or telling me how 'cute I thought I was', or coming in from that house party way too late. She's 9 years my senior and I thought she was amazing. Always had a cute 'friend', dressed in all the latest cross colors

and cutting the tops of her Malcolm X hats so her ponytail could
come through. My brother and I could rely on her to bring us home mexican pizzas and cinnamon twists when she got off her shift at Taco Bell and [after we moved the furniture] "percolated" all the way into the splits until we cried laughing. Custom designed prom dresses, celebrity friendships [Bushwick Bill was the homie!], and a bomb ass job as a dj on the radio. Avid freestyler, free spirited, and black and proud! She's the shit. What else can I say?
She was the first person I got into a fist fight with and the only one who trusts me enough to tell her deepest secrets to. We've learned the art of motherhood together and I couldn't have picked a better 'study buddy'. I admire the way she's there, every day to get up her 15 and 5 year olds together. Keeping them involved in activities and going to PTA meetings. Scheduling the birthday parties and staying up late for the clean up. She spends time with them and the relationship she shares with her children is magical. I only hope that my kids love me as much as her kids love her. I can't wait to meet and get to know my new niece. Thanks Janine for giving me another one to love on.

She looks like a character already! And don't mind the head [damn forceps!]
p.s. I don't see how half way moms and dads do it-- how could you not wanna see a face like that everyday?! I guess some get "it" and some don't.
You write well...I like the vivid descriptions. Cross-Colors is a true throwback! When you made the reference to the Percolator I thought about my original home Chi-Town!! I admire those downhome family values you have too. Those are important...
thanks chris! actually the time i'm talking about was when we lived in Homewood Illinois so... yeah, I'm with ya man!
she's a cutie!! :)
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